Looking for more love and compassion in your life?
We can help! We assist individuals tap into their own self-love and self-compassion as well as help bring greater compassion into the workplace.
Gissele & David

Maitri was created with a desire to provide individuals and groups alike the learning resources and wisdom for everyone to live fulfilled and compassionately. We have separated our services into two streams below. Both focus on including compassion and love as a key component in developing conscious awareness on life’s journey.
TEDX-Healing Our Most Challenging Conflicts With Compassion
Self Study
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Overview of the Maitri Centre Services

Indv & Grp Work
Self-compassion, self-love workshops and one to one support

Read about our experiences with shame, forgiveness, loving our body, and much more.

Travel to great locations for one or two day retreats on self-love and self-compassion

Listen to individuals share their stories of overcoming great adversity on the path to loving themselves

Compassion in Social Work;
Compassion at Work;
Compassion in Child Protection;

Support for Workplaces
Compassion at work training
"When I initially sought out Maitri Centre for Love and Compassion, it was due to a lack of compassion I experienced and observed at my workplace. Through watching and reading Maitri's incredible content on the podcast, TikTok, Facebook and Youtube, I came to the startling realization that I lack self-compassion. I may not have the power to change my workplace but I do have the power to work on my self-compassion skills, I feel confident that Maitri has the tools to help me along my journey of learning self-compassion"
S.K. Tweet
"Gissele is a compassionate leader who is able to navigate challenging situations with care and curiosity. She has helped teams shift their work from a siloed approach to a collective framework where relationships and connections to others fosters a shared sense of responsibility and job satisfaction."
S.R. Tweet