Author name: admin

Ep.19 Edgard Gouveia Jr.- Playing games can change the world.

Tune in to hear Edgar’s story of how his desire to help others, turned into a global movement of play and social justice. In this podcast he shares how he, with the support of 5 other people, lead a movement which mobilized over 200,000 people to assist Santa Catarina in Brazil, after a devastating flood that led to the destruction of 9300 homes. In this podcast we talk about compassion, joy, and how playing games can help us address some of our world’s biggest challenges.

Ep.19 Edgard Gouveia Jr.- Playing games can change the world. Read More »

Loving our looks!

Have you ever looked in the mirror and imagined what you would look like after plastic surgery? Well I have.  I used to put my finger over my nose, and imagine what it could look like if I had a nose job.  I grew up as a “cute” kid.  I received compliments on what an adorable baby I was.  My barometer for my attractiveness was based on my model of beauty which was my mother who was/is a beautiful woman in all traditional sense of the word.  She had the perfect nose and beautiful face.  As a kid, my house

Loving our looks! Read More »

Ep.6 Ned Burwell Love and Tattoos: living our dreams, manifesting our reality, and being Love.

Tune in to hear Ned’s journey on how tattooing, got him on the journey to loving himself and loving others unconditionally.

Ep.6 Ned Burwell Love and Tattoos: living our dreams, manifesting our reality, and being Love. Read More »

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