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Why it’s so challenging to love ourselves!

We are all born beautiful and perfect little babies. Full of unconditional love and compassion as well as joy and curiosity about our world and our fellow human beings. Unfortunately we have learned a lot of messaging that has taken us away from our inherent feelings of love, compassion, joy and abundance. Thus, the journey back to loving ourselves is about unlearning. Many of us, were born to human beings who may have had insecure, or disorganized attachments to their parental figures. They may have been taught conditional love. For those of you who do not know what conditional love

Why it’s so challenging to love ourselves! Read More »

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Parenting with Compassion

Recently David and I had the opportunity to attend the Ask Sharifa show as guests on a panel. The topic of conversation switched to parenting teenage children, especially during the pandemic. As parents of two teenagers, David and I know the parenting challenges that can arise at the different stages of our children’s lives. As we have all heard, kids aren’t born with a manual, and even if we did have one, no one-size strategy can fit all the needs of young people. Today, on the surface it may appear as though the needs of our children are not the

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Here are 10 reasons why Ted Lasso is a compassionate leader:

The Ted Lasso show has become a hit worldwide. It has been nominated for multiple Emmys and has won numerous awards. What has been most surprising about the hit show is people’s reaction to Coach Lasso’s compassionate, collaborative, generous and positive outlook. Many are calling his approach a breath of fresh air in leadership. **Warning: spoilers ahead** The show follows a small time football coach who is hired to coach a professional soccer team in England despite having had no previous experience. He gets hired by the owner Rebecca in an attempt to hurt her ex-husband who loves soccer. Eventually

Here are 10 reasons why Ted Lasso is a compassionate leader: Read More »

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Upset about the vaccines? Try a little compassion

COVID19 has brought a number of challenges and opportunities. From the chaos, greater clarity has arisen over what is working and not working in our world. Although we are seeing greater and greater calls for compassion and kindness in our society, there is still a great deal of division among people. One of the topics which is currently dividing people is the issue of vaccination. Although Canada has one of the highest vaccinations rates in the world, with 67% of people being fully vaccinated (80% have received 1 vaccine) there are still a reported 3-5 million people who are not

Upset about the vaccines? Try a little compassion Read More »

Loving our looks!

Have you ever looked in the mirror and imagined what you would look like after plastic surgery? Well I have.  I used to put my finger over my nose, and imagine what it could look like if I had a nose job.  I grew up as a “cute” kid.  I received compliments on what an adorable baby I was.  My barometer for my attractiveness was based on my model of beauty which was my mother who was/is a beautiful woman in all traditional sense of the word.  She had the perfect nose and beautiful face.  As a kid, my house

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Re-imagining Child Welfare as a Loving and Compassionate Place: Creating Empowering Organizations

Can child welfare be a place where children, families and even workers feel loved? What is the role of compassion in the administration of child welfare? Can child protection be “re-imagined” as a service that truly empowers others? Child welfare has always been near and dear to my heart. Since I was 15, I wanted to work for an organization that helped children and their families have better lives. I was born in Peru, and even as a young child, I was witness to the many injustices endured by children. I now work for a child welfare agency, and for

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