Season 4

Ep.62- The Gift of a Punishment-Free Childhood with Dr. Rebecca Woulfe

Transcript [00:00:00] Gissele: Hello and welcome to the love and compassion podcast with Gissele. We believe that love and compassion have the power to heal our lives and our worlds. Don’t forget to like, and subscribe for more amazing content. we’re doing an amazing documentary called the courage to love. Focusing on sharing stories of those who have chosen to do the unthinkable, loving and forgiving those who are the most hurtful through their stories, we will find out what the impact of forgiving and caring for our opponents is for those doing the forgiving. And for those who were […]

Ep.62- The Gift of a Punishment-Free Childhood with Dr. Rebecca Woulfe Read More »

Ep.61- Creating True Intimacy with Lyuba Venable

Are you craving true intimacy? do you have difficulties expressing your needs for intimacy, connection, touch and sex? Then tune into this episode of the love and compassion podcast with Gissele. Today, we talk to Luyba Venable who is a sex coach focusing on the needs of men and women for greater connection, unity, communication, and love.

Ep.61- Creating True Intimacy with Lyuba Venable Read More »

Ep.60- Dealing with grief with compassion. A journey of loss and miracles

Are you dealing with a recent loss? are you experiencing the possible loss of a loved one? if you are, then this podcast episode is for you. Listen as I chat with Dr. Jan Schwartz, about the three types of intelligence needed to handle the most difficult moments in your life. In this episode, she shares her experiences in helping her dog, address and heal a terminal cancer. Do not miss this exciting episode full of wisdom.

Ep.60- Dealing with grief with compassion. A journey of loss and miracles Read More »

Ep.59- Transforming our bodies with compassion, a weight loss journey with Jessica Campbell

In this episode, I chat with my own sister, Jessica, about her weight loss journey. She lost 100 pounds and shares her wisdom on how to lose weight while honoring yourself. We talk about society’s view of weight, about her journey in losing the first 20-30 pounds, and how being radically honest with herself, got her on track to living her best life. Most importantly, we talk about the role of compassion in helping Jessica transform her body.

Ep.59- Transforming our bodies with compassion, a weight loss journey with Jessica Campbell Read More »

Ep. 58- Returning to Ourselves through Mindfulness with Ashley Williams

In this episode of our podcast, I speak with the incredible Ashley Williams, who was voted top 40 under 40 about the power of mindfulness in helping us return to ourselves.  We talk about how the systems we have created are crumbling, about how mindfulness can positively impact children in the school system, and the about the importance of creating mindful spaces where BIPOC people are welcome!

Ep. 58- Returning to Ourselves through Mindfulness with Ashley Williams Read More »

Ep. 57- Conversation with Ben Painter on the power of mindfulness in the school system

Currently students and teachers seem to be struggling more within the school system. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was something that the school could be doing to support students, teachers and administrators regarding their daily issues? Well there is! Introducing mindfulness into the school system can go a long way to help support student well being, mental health, education and more! Join me as I speak to Ben Painter who is leading the implementation of mindfulness in the school system. We speak about his perspective on what the schools of the future should focus on, as well as why it is important to have a mindfulness Director on site at every school. If you are a teacher, student, parent or administrator, don’t miss this episode.

Ep. 57- Conversation with Ben Painter on the power of mindfulness in the school system Read More »

Ep.56- Conversation with Christophe Mbonyingabo: How can we love our enemies?

Martin Luther King Jr, said “love is the only power able to transform an enemy into a friend”, but how does love do this? How do we embody Jesus’ teaching of love thy enemy when other’s behaviour is often so hurtful? Listen to my conversation with Christophe Mbonyingabo, Executive Director of CARSA Ministries. CARSA brings together Tutsi and Hutus who have been impacted by Genocide, in order to practice forgiveness and reconciliation. Listen to Christophe’s wisdom around how people are conditioned to hate and the innovative approach his organization is using to bring people together in love. Do not miss this episode!

Ep.56- Conversation with Christophe Mbonyingabo: How can we love our enemies? Read More »

Ep.55- Conversation with Kara Cosby: Compassion in the School System

Do you wish there was a way to help young people regulate their challenging feelings and emotions in the school system. Do you desire more compassion in how we manage school based behaviors? Do not miss my enlightening chat with Kara Cosby on the power of compassion in the school system. In this conversation, she talks about her work with the Compassionate School Project (CSP) and how it is helping young people in the US have better personal and professional outcomes.

Ep.55- Conversation with Kara Cosby: Compassion in the School System Read More »

Ep.54- Conversation with Tina O Hoang: Addressing people pleasing with Compassion

Are you a people pleaser? Do you say “yes” when you mean “no”? Do you believe that saying no to someone means they will no longer love you, or that they will leave you? If yes, then this episode is for you! Listen as I chat with Tina O Hoang about people pleasing, what historically led her to people please, and how she talks to herself now to address those tendencies. We also talk about how the other extreme of being confrontational, is not as different to people pleasing as some may think.

Ep.54- Conversation with Tina O Hoang: Addressing people pleasing with Compassion Read More »

Ep.53- Conversation with Holistic Life Foundation: The power of mindfulness in helping young people flourish!

Listen to this inspiring episode on how mindfulness can help young people flourish in life and in the school system.  Listen to three incredible men share their 20 year journey of teaching mindfulness in schools and the impact their work has had in helping children become more peaceful, compassionate, loving, healthy and balanced.  Their work has been featured in CNN, Oprah Magazine, Good Morning America and so much more.

Ep.53- Conversation with Holistic Life Foundation: The power of mindfulness in helping young people flourish! Read More »

Ep.52- Conversation with Savio Clemente: Healing cancer with forgiveness, determination and compassion

If you are going through a difficult moment, right now, this conversation is for you.  On this podcast episode I speak to Savio Clemente who survived stage 3 cancer, through determination, forgiveness and compassion for himself.  We talk about how he was able to overcome treatment symptoms, and how his journey lead him to completely change his life for the positive.  We also discuss emotions in boys, vulnerability and shame and of course, the importance of self compassion during a healing journey. 

Ep.52- Conversation with Savio Clemente: Healing cancer with forgiveness, determination and compassion Read More »

Ep. 51- Alexis Donkin: Alchemizing our Challenges with Compassion

Listen to Alexi’s story of overcoming lung COVID during a time when little was known about the virus. Listen to how she was able to alchemize this difficult moment into something greater with gratitude and compassion. We also talk about psychic powers, listening to our bodies, self-care, and the power of compassion.

Ep. 51- Alexis Donkin: Alchemizing our Challenges with Compassion Read More »

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