Hello, and welcome to the Love and Compassion podcast with Gissele. . We believe that loving compassion have the power to heal our lives and our world. Today, we’ll be talking about dealing with grief. With compassion.
Today’s guest is Dr. Jan Schwartz. Who is the president of forensic fraud research Inc. She is a fellow of the American psychological association. Fellow of the American academy of forensic sciences. And this is a certified Homeland protection professional. With the national Sheriff’s association. Her book last summer with Oscar. He came an international bestseller on Her new book. Authentic intelligence. How do you use your emotional, mental, and spiritual gifts to create the life and world you want is bound to gain the same recognition and accolades. Please join me in welcoming Jan. Hi, Jan.
Jan: Good morning, Gissele. A warm hello to you and to all of your listeners.
Gissele: Thank you. Thank you so much. I just want to start by sharing a little bit about how I sort of ended up finding your story. In particular, I was going through my own journey of my own dog having seizures. And there was a couple of times where my dog, we thought we’re going to lose him. Just because the seizures were really, really bad. And I kind of resigned myself to his, you know, eventual passing. Just because of how bad the seizures had gotten. But then I set the intention for something that would help me not only ease his passing, but actually restore him to the level of wellness that I knew he could get to. But I didn’t know how. And so very interestingly, I didn’t even know how you and I kind of connected, but we started chatting about your book, authentic intelligence. Um, and through conversation, it came out that you had written this other book called last summer with Oscar. And when you look at your credentials, it’s amazing that somebody who is so involved in fraud would end up sort of in this kind of journey that is more spiritual. So wanted to start the podcast by letting the audience know. A little bit about, um, what actually led you to write last summer with Oscar and how did perhaps your perspective shift from focusing on forensic fraud to maybe opening up to there being something else?
Jan: My husband and I returned home from a vacation a holiday. And when we went to pick up the dogs from this wonderful kennel, they said to me, Jan, we’re so sorry, but Oscar didn’t eat. And I was very concerned, wondering why they hadn’t contacted us and these kinds of things.
But rather than focusing on that, I immediately drew my attention to Oscar and his eyes flashed at me with fear when he leaped out [00:03:00] of the kennel and I put them into the car. Needless to say, the next day my husband and I were at the vet and the vet was disturbed by the dramatic weight loss because Oscar was not able to eat.
And my husband is a retired surgeon so he was there examining the x rays and saw that cancer was, had taken over Oscar’s body and came out to tell me with the vet that things Didn’t look good. Well, this was I was devastated. I was just overwhelmed with sorrow and grief. And the immediate thought is.
What can we do to help him? And the vet said, well, he will die because he won’t be able to eat the kind of cancer he has. This is the challenge. They don’t feel like eating and there is great depression with it. So he said there’s chemotherapy, but we [00:04:00] had heard many times from others that had faced a similar diagnosis.
And in this case, it, it the likelihood of it being hemangiosarcoma, which is the worst kind of cancer. One that. A dog can be perfectly healthy one minute and then it just, it’s such a fast spreading cancer, it just becomes a pervasive illness. So we were in that boat and the vet said, well, you can do chemotherapy.
And we knew that there were severe stories of, of pain with that. And, and to, to, to put our dog with such a gentle loving spirit through that, my husband and I immediately said, no. No, we, we’re going to celebrate, we’re going to every day with this dog, we are going to treasure it. We’re going to find the wherewithal and the strength to endure the grief, the sorrow, the frustration of not him eating and all this.
And we just pledged from that moment on together that we were going to [00:05:00] somehow find a way to keep Oscar eating and being very, Much strong individual people. We each found our path doing that. And I stepped into this since I’m, my work is an intelligence gathering person to keep our country and our allies that I’m working with for the betterment of the world.
And I began to view it from an intelligence gathering effort, except This time, I was the student, and here this dog had, had, I, with the role of attentiveness was, the attention was on him, always. And he taught me that, because his eyes, just as his eyes had flashed to me, of fear and vulnerability, and he was scared.
He was then teaching me focus. attentiveness, and I had [00:06:00] dreams that supported all of the stages of adapting to this world. And also I want to say that Winston, Oscar’s litter mate and his faithful companion, they were two devoted brothers Winston knew something was seriously wrong too. So Winston was hypersensitive about being mindful about Oscar.
So, We were all focusing on this dog, and he felt the love and the progression of being his student and he was the teacher, was one where I felt so many times I was in the presence of divine wisdom and that my job, I was being trained to notice things that I could immediately see. would change the path of the day, the week, and so on.
And it is through all of that, that Oscar would suddenly, you know, here he was, just unable to do anything. And on one particular night, may I share with you how, how he, he really got upset when I, Yeah. So we had been in the habit of taking a three mile walk in our incorporated village. And the work that I do keeps me writing or working at all hours of the day.
So to walk late at night is, it was not an uncommon thing for me to do. And this was one of those nights and Oscar came to me and he was excited and he, he, you know, was wagging his tail. Well, of course I was going to stop everything. Okay. You, you know, I would. And, and Winston was, oh my goodness. So Oscar wanted to take a walk.
So up, up to then, you know, we had been holding into our hearts what the vet had said, like there, there wasn’t much of a chance for [00:08:00] Oscar to be around with us for maybe even a short two weeks. So, so for this to happen was what, what is this? And so it was an electrifying moment and I’m so glad I followed it.
Because it changed the course of everything. And it was on this walk that Oscar pulled me. He was always walking on my right and Winston was on my left. You know, they were protecting me from all angles. And Oscar pulled me into this very, very unmaintained stretch of bushes. You know how it is.
And Winston, of course, followed because it could be something very exciting there, some good smells. And so, to my great surprise, Oscar came out and his face was covered with tiny green leaves. And it was beautiful. He went back in, and I heard him inhaling these leaves, and the best [00:09:00] way for me to explain is when we, when we go to the zoo, we see anteaters, and we see how those anteaters, this was what Oscar was doing with, as I found out with these little seedlings, and I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but, but, but that’s what started and he was very excited, had energy for the rest of the walk, and here we were doing a three mile walk from a dog that And What was not eating to this.
This was such a dramatic change that I felt there. This was, I was entering into a project an adventure. And these are how I discuss my investigations and cases. Okay, their adventures and projects. Okay. I said, this is unlike anything. This is. Electrifying for good. This is there is something I have to really, really be focused on paying attention to this dog because this dog has information that I need to pay attention to for others and for us.
So I then in seeing that happen was two nights later. Oscar wanted to go again. And I said to my husband, Richard, you know, something’s going on here. It was the same response coming back. And I said, he said, you know, well, you know, just don’t get your hopes up. You know, how he’s trying to protect me, you know, how, how it is we’re watching like that.
And I said, no, I’m, I’m, I’m going to call in some tree experts. I want to study this. I’m going to take, so I did. I brought in people and I said, here’s where he goes and we parted the bushes and lo and behold, here we saw these, the leaves are missing from these branches and they said, well, it’s some sort of an elm.
And there are 400 varieties, so no one, no one would pin it down and I said, all right, well, let me, let me see about this. So, I’m on the third walk or so with Oscar. One of the subsequent walks, I, I we were going into a different direction and the wind came and the branch of a tree swept down near us and here were these leaves and I tell you, Giselle, all of a sudden, Oscar’s head perked up like, there it is.
There it is, and he wanted, he was following the branch as it then lifted up, and so I thought, okay, I’m going to get one of these leaves. I’m going to look around, and on our way back home from the walk, I saw that there was a big tree in the front of our house. that had these [00:12:00] leaves. There was another tree in our front yard and I said what is going on?
And as I walked the dogs around our front yard, here were little shoots of this. And I began to research and Came to find out that the Slippery Elm tree was the source of this this joy, this healing, this miraculous response of our dog coming to life, renewing himself, and then began my research into Slippery Elm and Giselle this, this, this tree we have, This is the largest, the oldest tree in in our neighborhood, and it is perhaps 175 years old, and the trunk of the slip realm in itself is spellbinding it, it wraps and it has this beauty in that.
But what I learned was that. This tree, the Slippery Elm tree, has been over harvested by the drug companies for years, and how they do it is underneath this bark is this white strip, and it’s a sap, it’s a white strip of sap, and historically this is so significant for Americans because There were two weeks as we learned in sixth grade in American history that George Washington and the troops did not have any food.
And how did they stay alive? Well, I learned that a Native American soldier taught them that the, the, the bark, how to remove the bark from the Slippery M.
Gissele: Right.
Jan: And they stripped the sap off, cut it, and chopped it into gruel, added it, and it made, put water on it, hot water on [00:14:00] it, and it became like a porridge, like an oatmeal, and the nutritional quality of this oatmeal, we call it oatmeal of this Slippery porridge was what sustained them and now what we know the drug companies found out about that and Native Americans have relied on, on herbal and all sorts of natural resources for their, their healing anyway.
So I found out that it historically was this and, and that a tea had been made and maybe you have heard about. Nurse Case up in Canada and she had this S A I T. So your country too had she had she had met with a Native American medicine man because she had an illness and he provided her with this, this tea and taught her how to make it.
And so here Nurse, Nurse Case, C A I S S E. Began working with medical doctors who were treating cancer patients that had no hope that they were at the end of the line of their health and they were willing to try something that would give them a chance to keep living. And these doctors were very courageous because this was a.
Stepping away from the way the pharmaceutical industry was doing things, so you see how progress was made. Some people were stepping out because they wanted to try something that had been helping the Native Americans for years to live. And so her tea, Yasiak tea, and here. What is so amazing in the spirit of sharing good knowledge that benefits all this tea, I learned that the remedy that this tea that the formula for it was even available online for no charge.
That’s how this research went, where the goodness of others that had brought about this, and here it was being given to me because Oscar had led me to this, this this discovery. And so I wrote this book wanting to share this information and, and so much more.
Gissele: Yeah, thank you for sharing that. I think you said so many great things. The first thing I want to say is that. It has also been my experience that the earth will give you what you need. Like we’re so interconnected with the land that people don’t realize that. Around our house. There were times when our kids would suffer from tummy aches. And what was naturally growing outside was Chamomile. We didn’t know what it was.
And so there’s lots of times where what we’ve needed was actually in the land around us. But we just didn’t have that awareness. It was when we started gardening that we were like, oh my gosh, this is chamomile
one of the things that surprised me the most about your journey as per your book was that you didn’t intend to heal Oscar.
Like your intention really was to spend. As many days as possible with the most joy. And the most presence. And give your dog the happiest time possible. But it ended up that. He ended up being healed from his cancer. Um, that probably was like a shocking experience or was that something you expected from the journey?
Jan: No, I, I, I value your question and it’s a mighty one because you see there were, this was a very active adventure. There were no days off.
Okay, there the nights were, you know, we were up and down when someone has cancer and when a pet has cancer, and especially the way we were going about doing it, we were attentive to his needs, and one of the moments, and I certainly was not thinking healing at all, I just wanted to remain together with him in a connectedness, in a closeness, and to, and to surround him with What I call warmest love.
I’m a deeply spiritual person. And so I know that warmest love was shining upon me, giving me the strength for this journey. And, and, and Giselle, I, I was doing my other projects. I, I was doing, I, I, I would be doing this and I would have to give a keynote speech. I would have to take a test for certification of this that or whatever because I, I was trained to be a family psychologist and I had to the more evidence that I was discovering in white color organized crime.
I, I had to keep growing with that. So I was, boy, I was overextended to say the least, but I was fueled and I was being surrounded with warmest love and I put a capsule around Oscar Winston and Richard, we were all in that capsule of warmest love. But there were moments that, what do we do now? This was not something that you could control.
Okay, so many of us feel like the best way we can stay safe in life is where we have to control things more. Well, this adventure there, there was no control. You were in a state of trusting that you were going to be led by an animal. To the next thing. And one thing I want to tell you that that I, as the seasons, Oscar became ill in summer, and the book is broken up into four [00:20:00] main chapters of seasonal chapters summer, and then fall and then winter and spring and so when we transition to fall.
I was noticing, as we all do in what season we’re in right now, you know, the leaves are falling off. And I thought, what is this going to be like when there are no more leaves for Oscar to take in? And for Winston what are we going to experience? how I decided to handle that was to stay focused on the patient.
On the subject and that was Oscar and he was fine until one night and he and Winston were in a state of such confusion because where they always found slip round was here and then they had backup places and patches in our backyard that miraculously started to come. But every when we came back from the walk, there was nothing there.
And so I came down to my office right where I am now and sat at my computer to start checking things that I needed to do. And interestingly, Oscar came down, sat beside me, did not lie down. He didn’t lay down. He didn’t lie down. He, he was looking at me with these eyes like, I know you’re going to find out what to do next.
And. He was the patient. I stopped everything. Began to look miraculously. I found information about an extraordinary tree called the Graviola tree from the Amazon rainforest and the history of the usefulness of the, of the Graviola tree extract for the world. And the information of the scientific studies that the National Cancer Institute for some reason did not decide to further or follow the, the path of continued research so that it would be get the information would be utilized in a way for humanity.
It was just abruptly. stopped. I read about that and I said, What is this? What has happened? And then I look further. And what had happened were the drug companies try to replicate this The genetic components of the Graviola tree extract, because the Amazon rainforest has protection over, over the rainforest and products and so interestingly, they were unable to replicate the properties.
so, I knew that the important thing was getting a hold of this product immediately. So I overnighted the product.
To our door, you would do the same thing for yours, and I bet many listeners would do the same, and what I’m about to tell you is that it was there. FedEx was perfect, right there in time, and Oscar was waiting with me at the door. He was that in tune. If what I’m about to tell you is we went through we followed the recommended administration of these capsules and it was called Gravizone.
That’s what the product was called. And if we had begun the journey with Gravizone and used Slippery Elm, we would have had an even stronger result. It, the adventure was meant to be this way and it was meant so that I could say to others that Gravis on is even stronger in kicking off a recovery or a healing process.
And what, how he was restored from this, and how he felt about himself was extraordinary. But then. The journey wasn’t just to have two remedies, we ended up discovering six remedies because hemangiosarcoma is a very multifaceted has a multifaceted treatment process and red clover proved to be, thanks to a friend’s suggestion, proved to provide a miraculous result in just days where a [00:25:00] tumor in Oscar’s mouth reduced to I would say maybe reduced by 80 percent so that he was able to swallow and eat past it.
So the book is filled with. Discoveries for those people who enjoy mysteries and adventures. And the vets, you can imagine, we had two vets that were involved in this. They were so, so supportive and they had a sensitivity about, let’s just, Let Oscar be our teacher, not giving advice, just learning from Oscar.
Gissele: And one of the things you mentioned just now, which I think is really important for our listeners to understand is that. This is a journey. This was a journey that had a lot of ups and downs. Like sometimes things would work and sometimes they didn’t. Like sometimes he would eat the [00:26:00] tuna and sometimes he wouldn’t. One of the things that struck me the most was how compassionate you were with yourself. And with your dog throughout the journey. Because that was a challenging journey. There were so many ups and downs and you were so committed to ensuring that both dogs had the best experience, especially Oscar. Was it a conscious choice? What was it just naturally something to do with how you manage those difficult moments? That. You kind of use an inner kindness for yourself as well as for your loved ones.
Jan: Well, it’s, that’s a tough subject I have been born with, excuse me, a capacity to love.
That may be
may be viewed by others who don’t yet know me as something is how, how is this, how did this happen when her life has not been easy. The love comes from the light that I draw in and that light, no matter what, is always, always. Refueling me. I had the best examples of this creative way of loving, and maybe we now can think of this as an implementation of what I call authentic intelligence, but I had the most extraordinary elementary teachers.
who fueled me with creativity and who nurtured my inquiring thoughts with balancing out the mental pursuit with supporting me As I was understanding the subject and also giving me the role model of the love that was mine for the taking because, like all of us, I’m one of God’s children. But in my case, this was personal.
Because of them, my teachers, I viewed God really as God. As my parent, as my father. And so that puts me in a completely different position as I take on any project where my ability to persevere the depth of my commitment is one where the standard that I bring to it is one that has been imprinted on me.
It’s imprinted on all of us. It’s just that I personally drew it in saying that. God is my father. I’m a child of God. So, this is, this is how it happens. This is how, I need to do it. This is how I will know how to do it. So, offering to Oscar and yes, if I may apply some, some, a little bit of the underpinning of authentic intelligence, how to use your mental, emotional, and spiritual gifts to create the life and world you want.
What? I was doing throughout this journey was, if we were to think of three interrelated circles, the top circle on the left is mental intelligence. The circle beside it is emotional intelligence or EQ. Okay. Mental intelligence is IQ. Emotional intelligence is EQ. And then there’s a third intelligence.
That’s the third interrelated circle. And that’s spiritual intelligence. Some people haven’t heard of this. I’ve been finding out about that lately, and there’s a lot of interest in learning more about it, but the, we call that SQ. So, there is an area common to all three circles, and that is my sense of knowing, has been my sense of knowing, and that’s what was fueling me and has fueled me.
On a life that sometimes I refer to myself as a real life Cinderella so, so it is, maybe that’s understood maybe it isn’t, but maybe some would say she just perseveres, or she’s someone who just never, ever lets anyone write the ending. to her story. Okay. There are different ways of perhaps describing me, but above all, I’m someone who taps into that knowing.
I tap into that authentic intelligence. And in my new book, this is what my message is, is that this is our way. To find our answers, to step out of our brokenness to step away from our anguish and just say, okay, wait a minute. Within me are three interrelated circles. So what am I doing with my mental intelligence?
You see, my, my ideas are that we need to feed these intelligences. There is a desperate need. We have this treasure of three intelligences that has to be fed. We can’t just let it go stagnant. They are, they’re yearning for stimulation, so if we feed mental intelligence with tasks like reading books or listening to books perhaps or pondering pertinent quotes or there’s a whole assortment and we’re probably pretty familiar with Mental intelligence.
I don’t want to get away too far from, from your question, but emotional intelligence has very, very specific ways. It’s about reading others and ourselves. And the emotional intelligence is, involves self regulation. That answers to you, it was my job to regulate myself and my sorrow with Oscar and Winston.
It’s about self awareness. It’s about motivating yourself. It’s about developing empathy and about increasing one’s social experiences so that we have a higher level, a higher ability to handle things. And then spiritual intelligence is the soul’s intelligence. It’s our source of creativity. And that we could talk about all of those things more, but this was, I was going between the circles.
And that has been how I lived my life and authentic intelligence in action happens when we see people being able to persevere. And carry on being genuine about the difficulty, but not letting ourselves be stuck there in getting support it from one of the other circles, and you notice how I was constantly going back to mental intelligence where I was researching.
Okay. And then I was being honest with Oscar and Winston and I remember writing, excuse me, and I was. Up under this, the top of the hill in, in the backyard. And I sat beside Oscar and just cried and sobbed and said, I want you to know I am feeling so helpless. And so I’m, I’m open about, about I’m, I’m real about this and I am a private person too, but in this book, I, I’m really am a very private person.
And. As I’ve shared with you pers in a separate occasion doing these podcasts and coming out like this, I’m stepping out of the shadows because when you’re in the intelligence gathering world, you know, you don’t look, you don’t want to be discovered. There’s too many security incidents that happen.
But, but this, this is a time. This is a time there is an urgency in our broken world for us to learn a new way to connect to focus on competing with ourselves, ourselves and connecting with others are, are focused on the three circles so that we can tap into our knowing and draw upon that because goodness.
Every family, every person that’s listening has something going on that they want to feel supported on. And I care. I, I, I understand that the burden can feel enormous, but as human beings, we can. offer something more than just coldness and a separateness and we can share authentically because we’re wired to be authentic human beings.
I hope I answered your question to some degree.
Gissele: Of course. I mean, I think speaking of the three circles you had mentioned, it was really that spiritual aspect of yourself that led you to listen to Oscar, to begin with. Because it’s so easy to ignore, like, you know, your dog constantly asking you to go and do things. But I think you. It was you tapping into that, knowing in the intuition. That you’re supposed to be the student in this particular way. And considering all the accolades in your role, put yourself in a position of a student to a dog it’s really quite astonishing. Especially, you know, Since it’s your dog. Right.
Jan: it was, but it was, it also truly felt like an honor.
It was my honor to be beside him and the goodness of this journey and the changes and the courage of this dog. We would be going for a walk and the police would be coming by and they’d go, Go Oscar! And other people were saying, Hey, you know, here’s this for Oscar. And Gissele, I have to tell you, my husband has his own creative way of, of showing love to dogs.
And, and in this case Oh, everyone has heard about Chick fil A. You have Chick fil A’s perhaps up there, right? Okay, are they perhaps an international wonderful sandwich? Anyway our local Chick fil A got to know Oscar because my husband would go through the drive thru just to keep Oscar eating.
And he would say, I need two plain Chick fil A sandwiches for Oscar my, for my dog, Oscar or our dog, Oscar is something like this. And they would say, excuse me. And he would say, our, my, our dog, Oscar is, is, is very sick with cancer. We’re trying to keep him eating. So I need to come home with. Two sandwiches.
We’re hoping that he will eat it. So, Oscar got, this became a game. And so, he got to know, dogs are very smart, you know. They know when we come home. They know when we leave. They, they know the sound of the different cars and this sort of a thing. So, Richard was There was midday, he was, he was leaving, Oscar knew what this was, so Oscar would move into this one room, we call our son room, and it had this doggy door, so Oscar would then hear Richard come home going through the garage and with the car, and Oscar would be out the doggy door, waiting to meet Richard at the side door for his, piece of Chick fil A sandwich because he needed to gain weight and Winston, our precious Mr.
Winston was on the chubby side. So he couldn’t participate in these, these things. So this is a silliness that people with two dogs, three dogs, they understand that it’s a juggling when one is sick and I’m, you know, with families, it’s, it’s the same. It’s just, Part of the so the journey was definitely up and down and these moments refueled us with the joy.
Gissele: And so we were never stuck on sorrow because right after that came another discovery. Yeah. And one of the things I also saw is that. Um, Oscar’s legacy was. One of community too. Like, um, You were talking about all the different people that came together and rally together. Even if it was just for support. And I think that goes to show you how community can come together with each other. Um, And what’s really happening in our societies that we’ve lost that sense of community.
We’ve lost that sense of togetherness. There seems to be this separation between ourselves and other people. Even a separation from ourselves, I would say. Um, And you were talking about that we lack connection to community with each other. And in your journey with Oscar. It was such a beautiful reminder to me about the importance of community and coming together and helping each other through our experiences. Um, and all that work really did extend Oscar’s life.
And the magic was so, you know, Oscar did eventually end up passing. And I think that’s where still holding onto the grief with compassion and love. and joy is what you talk about throughout the book. Which is very, very important. Um, enabling you to still enjoy. The time you had but he didn’t die of cancer.
Right. Um, can you talk a little bit about, uh, the kind of miracle that you experienced?
Jan: my husband Richard and I had always said that as, as time went by and we saw how unique this adventure was, we began to think that there may be an outcome to it that might be something that would be significant for some entity. And there came a time when Oscar looked at me. And he was extremely feeble.
He was no longer able to walk. He was very thin. And he looked at me and the eyes conveyed,
I can’t do this anymore. And I immediately cradled him. in my arms and said, it’s okay, sweetheart, you don’t have to anymore. And our vets were poised for this moment. And they were in two different locations so that they could be however we could put Oscar in a peaceful place after all that he had courageously gone through.
And here we had found these six remedies and we had just Had two weeks, I believe it was two weeks, where he was living, eating, he was eating all three meals. It was clear that he was he had, it was all, had come together. That was our knowing that the remedies were helping him because he wanted to eat, he had an appetite.
So when the moment came, it ended up that this one that Dr. Pearson was available and we had privately spoken to him that would he, would he consider testing Oscar’s tissues for malignancy? Would, did he believe enough in us? And he was such an open minded veteran that, I mean, he, he just said, absolutely, I have been on this journey with you.
I am just as curious as you are what happened and the other Dr. Heller wasn’t available and he was with us in, in his spirit at the time, but when Oscars when Oscar passed away. In our arms in, in Dr. Pearson’s office, his tissues were then tested and when the results came in, Dr. Pearson wanted to meet with us in person.
I love that. Yeah. That, that was such a respectful gesture and he looked at us and said, there’s no malignancy. Anywhere. And then, because this was, this was back in 2011, 2012, I’m trying to think of when I wrote this story, but, you know, so it’s now 12 years later, so life is a little bit different and people are much more open to these situations.
But at the time, this was a rather dramatic result. Yeah. It was, and when I put the book together, and fortunately a the American anyway, the ACFE, American College of Forensic Examiners Institute published the book for me quickly to get the information out so that was a gift. And why it was a gift is there was a veterinary conference coming up, and Dr.
Heller stood up. held the book just like this. He said, this book is something that you need to read because I lived through this journey with this dog and he had many things to say about it and so did Dr. Heller, but it’s because of the interest from veterinary science that it started selling books and for me it was one and interesting connections came, you know, when the book launched in 2013, it was a little bit about a year later when we finally made a formal book launch of it, but then people on Facebook and began to read it and passed it on to to their boss or their friend or, or and there is a story that is quite unbelievable when one person who is in the intelligence field in the United Kingdom passed the book on to his book, to his boss who passed it on to his boss who passed it on.
To his boss and she was a revered queen. So I will just phrase it that way. And
Gissele: hmm,
Jan: there were outreaches to me and linked in to verify my authenticity. So I guess what I’m saying, and, and importantly, this is what I would like the takeaway to be, or one of the takeaways to be Giselle is. How are we to know when we’re tackling some experience, what the outcome is going to be, or its significance for someone else.
So, if we keep feeding our intelligences, our treasured intelligences, we’re going to create we’re going to be drawn to adventures that are going to yield outcomes that That can help someone else. Versus a life of simply feeding our own ego. It’s very easy to do that today. There’s so many ways. It’s a distinctly different path.
And it’s always our choice. And I’m not saying that we can’t do that. I love movies. Yes, I use my phone. I’m on Facebook. I love LinkedIn and I’m not so good on Twitter. I haven’t figured that out yet. Not enough time to do that. I’m just a regular person about all of this. It’s just that what I have found is that tapping into our knowing in creating these adventures once you start it.
You want to return there, it’s, it’s a better situation. It’s a much more rewarding outcome than simply taking care of our basic ego needs. So we’re all on this journey. I wish the best for you, for your listeners, for every living being on this earth. And we have the choice of how we can do it because this is how we were wired to be.
We don’t have to remain broken. We can work on healing by focusing on the three circles and getting ourselves into our sense of knowing and we’ll be quite surprised at the change in our life.
Gissele: Fully agree. One thing I was thinking about was that. This journey you’re talking about. And the journey you went through with Oscar. And all of the other journeys you continued to go on. Take a level of faith. A level of faith and trust. And I think if you’re. Willing to do that. You’re willing to show up for whatever showed up. And there’s a level of courage to that as well. What is one thing that people can do to help them kind of embark on that journey? Of really stepping up into their knowing.
Yes, I fully understand.
Jan: What I can tell you is that such a moment when people are overcome with fear may be a time of profound experiencing profound rejection or profound worries about financial loss or something. I would not be talking about this had I not walked those through those moments where I have experienced.
profound rejection. And what fueled me, first of all, you know, we have to, when, when we suffer at the hands of an event or what someone’s choice or what, what has happened or, or something not working out, just putting it that way. We, we work to come to grips with it and to take ownership of what.
Our role is in that, and understanding the facts and the details that came together to make that happen. But, once we get to that point, For me, what fueled me like that was I just said to myself, and I wrote these things down, I wrote down these phrases and put them on the bathroom mirror, and I put them in my drawers when I’d be pulling out my sweatshirt or, or, or my jeans or something, and I would come across it and these things, and I put them all over the place where I would see them, but one that works to this day.
Constantly is never, ever let anyone or anything write the ending to your story. Life is hard. Life is brutal. This is a, this is a, this is a, a, a living experience today of such fear. Competitiveness. We have such a fight between light and darkness. And for those of us who work to expose wrongdoing, whether it’s profound Corruption, profound patterns of money laundering through the most respectable places and so on and so forth, or exposing sexual abuse and taking and having people see the entity that was supposed to be protecting children.
So, okay. And then knowing the years of healing that every one of the people who have suffered. So they are so. Deserving and entitled to be brought into that capsule of warmest love. And I, I, I tell you this, the world is not doing enough for the victims of the sexual abuse. But, but my, my point is that. We, we have so much that we can, we can do by just immediately stepping out of just going after power or becoming number one by focusing on, okay, mental intelligence, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, focusing there.
Getting into the knowing, getting to the source of the help and the healing for me. Never, ever let anyone write the ending to your story. Another phrase that activated me like that was, if it is to be, it is up to me. And I put together a whole list of things that I would come across and I would see. For example, since I’m.
An authentic person here being interviewed. I will say to guess what I said when I was coming down to my office today. Here is here is a statement for today. What came to me and I think you’re just a wonderful hostess and I can be so real and share these things with you. But I said, I was coming down. I can do this.
I can do this well. And that put me, it centered me. Okay. And that was not putting me into fueling my ego. It was centering me. I was reading myself. I was in my EQ zone. I was Centering myself, saying, now, I am, I’m in a place now where I can work out of all three circles, and those are some of the ways that I hope will be able to help other people as they step forward on their, on their healing, because we are always changing lives.
Thank you. on our way to wholeness. We’re always moving there. No matter what has happened, no matter what we’ve been through, someone, some entity can surround you and draw you into a capsule of the [00:55:00] warmest love and you can heal. And that is my sincere promise.
Gissele: Beautiful. Thank you so much for that. It made me think it’s, it’s interesting because in all my interviews are usually set an intention as well. Um, that I might ask the right questions. And I may, I honor the person that is showing up. Um, and then, you know, may I usually get led to probably the best questions I can ask. Hopefully that gets me a good interviews. We’re wrapping it up. I wanted to ask a couple of more questions. The first one is, what is your definition of unconditional love?
Jan: It, it would be
Jan: an energy, an effervescent, electrifying, always, never on empty love.
always being fueled, never on empty.
Well, that’s beautiful. My last question is where can people work with you? Where can they find you? Where can they find the new book or the old book as well? It’s really, really great. Tell people about yourself.
Jan: Oh, you’re so nice. I have a website,, and it is a website that pulls together my writing, my speaking, and my work as a forensic behavioral scientist. And there are links to last summer with Oscar. The book, Authentic Intelligence, we are, I’m in the process of completing.
My book proposal, there is a whole journey that an author goes through, as you know, and I’m at the final point of building my author’s platform. And I’m so excited to share with you that there are 108 requests for a pre publication copy of the book, Media authors, pod show hosts business owners large, small people from all over the world, Australia, New Zealand United Kingdom, Canada Toronto Montreal, so and so forth, and in America, all different groups a 12 step group a group that focuses on revenue production.
I, I, I’m amazed that there are so many there’s so many groups. And at the end of one discussion, the the person leading the organization said to me, well, Jan Schwartz, love to you from all directions.
Gissele: That’s beautiful.
Jan: So janschwartz.Us and perhaps this year we will be able to have a publication of the book.
I’m looking forward to being paired with the right book agent and the right publisher that will want to invest in global distribution so that we can reach every person, every family. Every county, every state, every nation. So we can, there is an urgency for this. We have so many great problems that we can work on together and the joy will be ours to do so.
Gissele: Sounds fantastic. And what a perfect way to end. Thank you so much, Jan, for being on the podcast and for sharing your wisdom with us in your lovely discussion about your journey with Oscar. And thank you everyone to tune in for another episode of the Love and Compassion podcast with Gissele. See you soon.